Tag Archives: NA29

Revelation 19;6 Variant

Rev. 19:6b txt κυριος ο θεος ημων ℵ² P 046 91 93 469 1424 1611 1854 1888 2053 2062 2065 2074 2329 2344 𝔐Κ it-ar,c,dem,div,(gig),haf vg-am,fu syr-h cop-sa> geo arab-e Oec Apr Beat ps-Ambr Tyc2 TR-Compl HF BG RP TH ECM NA28 [ημων] {C} ‖
κυριος ο θεος A 792 911 1006 1734 1841 2070 2846 it-t vg-ms syr-phc cop-sams,bo Cypr TR-Scriv,Elz,Bez,Steph,Eras4,5 AN SBL ‖
ο θεος ημων 051 2081 arab-s Andr ‖ ο θεος ο κυριος ημων ℵ* 2080 ‖
ο θεος ο κυριος 1778 ‖
ο θεος 1678 2814 eth TR-Eras1,2,3,Ald,Col ‖
κυριος ημων Prim ‖
κυριος syr-ph* cop-boms ‖
lac C 0229 1828 2050 2351.

This is one of the most difficult variants for me to decide.  The NA28 has [ημων] in square brackets and for good reason.  Family 052 is split 3 ways.  The TR editions are split 3 ways.  The Latin, Syriac and Coptic versions are split.

Even though I highly esteem MSS A and 2846, I decided to go with the RP/TH reading with ημων not in square brackets, for 3 reasons.

1.) The phrase κυριος ο θεος ο παντοκρατωρ without ημων, as found here in A 2846 and the KJV, is also in 4:8, 11:17, 15:3, 16:7, and 21:22. Since this phrase is common and familiar in the Apocalypse, scribes might tend to write it unconsciously automatically, rather than the phrase with ημων added.

2.) MS 1734 is almost always found backing the RP text, not as here. This makes me suspect that the MSS without ημων are random scattered ones that accidentally omitted it, and not according to their usual clusters.

3.) The general tendency of scribes to more often accidentally drop a small word rather than add one.

If not for the presence of these factors, I would be loathe not to go with the TR phrase, since it is in the famous Hallelujah chorus in G. F. Handel’s oratorio The Messiah.

How various English translations have rendered the aorist verb ἐβασίλευσεν: 

Tyndale reigneth
KJV reigneth
ASV reigneth
NKJV reigns
CSB reigns
ERV rules
ESV reigns
Ehteridge (from Syriac) reigneth
ISV is reigning
NET reigns
NIV reigns
Murdock (from Syriac) reigns
WEB reigns
Mounce reigns
NASB reigns
NRSV reigns

And ones that rendered it non-gnomic:
Wycliffe hath regned
Douay hath reigned
Geneva: hath reigned
EMTV: has begun to reign
CJB has begun to reign
CEV now rules
GW has become king
JB Phillips has come into his kingdom
NAB has established his reign
Young’s reign did

You can download my latest revision of the Apocalypse of John here.

The Catholic Letters

Announcing a new upload of a PDF, and also an Amazon printed version of same. It is the General Epistles (also known as the Catholic Letters) translated from an eclectic Greek Text; alternating verse by verse with a new English Translation by David Robert Palmer; with the readings of 7 Greek New Testament editions and Greek manuscript variant readings given in the footnotes. The editions cited are the Scrivener TR, the Antoniades 1904 Greek Patriarchal edition, the Byzantine Greek NT (family 35) edition, The Robinson-Pierpont Byzantine Text Stream edition, the SBL edition, the Tyndale House GNT, and the NA28 (or ECM2– Editio Critica Major). This PDF file contains the epistles of James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude; eclectic Greek text source; free download; 3.74 MB. The printed edition on Amazon is here.

Compressed by jpeg-recompress

Mark’s Gospel 2nd Edition ECM-NA29

Gospel of Mark, 2nd Editions are uploaded.  I have updated my editions of Mark’s gospel to reflect the Editio Critica Major (ECM) data in my footnotes about textual variants.  I also made a few changes to my translation and endnotes. Thus my footnotes give the readings of the ECM, like this one for Mark 9:29:

9:29 txt προσευχῇ καὶ νηστείᾳ “prayer and fasting” ℵ² A C* D E F G H K L N W X Δ (τῇ νηστείᾳ) Θ Π Σ Φ Ψ ƒ¹ ƒ¹³ 28 33 118 157 180 205 565 579 597 700 892 1006 1009 1010 1071* 1079 1195 1216 1230 1241 1242 1243 1253 1292 1342 1344 1365 1424 1505 1546 1646 2148 2174 𝔐 Lect it-a,aur,b,c,d,f,ff²,i,l,q,r¹ vg syr-h cop-sa,bo goth geo2 slav Diatessarona,p Basil TR RP TH ECM= νηστείᾳ καὶ προσευχῇ “fasting and prayer” (cf. I Cor. 7:5) syr-s,p,pal cop-boms arm eth προσευχῇ “prayer” ℵ* B 0274 it-k geo¹ Clement SBL ECM= lac 𝔓⁴⁵ P 067 0233.

Note that there are two readings that are supported by ECM=.  The = sign means that the ECM editors give it a “split primary line” or, that they consider those two readings of equal weight.

Unfortunately, there was an error in my first edition of Byzantine Mark.  In the verse above, I had failed to change the English text in that I failed to add “and fasting” to the English translation.  This is now corrected in both the electronic and printed versions.  And as I said above, there are also a few changes in the translation and in the endnotes.

The printed Robinson-Pierpont 2nd edition of Mark may be purchased here.  And its Kindle version. The Eclectic Gospel of Mark printed 2nd edition may be purchased here. The PDF of the 2nd edition of Byzantine Mark may be downloaded here.

Variant Acts 20.4-5

Acts 20:4-5, NKJV:

(4) And Sopater of Berea accompanied him to Asia—also Aristarchus and Secundus of the Thessalonians, and Gaius of Derbe, and Timothy, and Tychicus and Trophimus of Asia.  (5) These men, going ahead, waited for us at Troas.  [While Paul and Luke went through Macedonia]

One immediately sees a problem with this text.  Verse 4 contradicts verse 5 and vice versa.  If they went on ahead of him to Troas (the landing port in Asia) then they did NOT accompany him αχρι – as far as Asia.

Ah, but the NA28 text does not contain the words αχρι της ασιας “as far as Asia.”

Also, the NA29 text has “δε” before “went on ahead.”  And there too, with the verb, is another variant.

20:4 txt omit ?⁷⁴ ℵ B 33 vg cop eth Or-Lat(V) NA29 αχρι της ασιας A (D μεχρι) E H L P Ψ 049 056 1175 1611 1739 1891 2464 it syr Chrys TR RP lac ?⁴¹ C

20:5 txt προσελθοντες δε ℵ A B* E Ψ 1735 1739 2464 TG SBL NA29 προελθοντες δε ?⁷⁴ B² 33 1611 1891 syr-h cop-sa,bo TD NA28 προσελθοντες H L P 049 056 1175 RP προελθοντες D latt syr-p Chrys TR AT BG lac ?⁴¹ C

The NA text makes more sense: these men accompanied him, δε, “however,” or, “except that” they went on ahead of him to Troas.

Robinson-Pierpont GNT 2018 Update

Robinson-Pierpont Greek New Testament 2018 edition

I have updated and uploaded my PDF document of the Robinson-Pierpont Byzantine Greek New Testament. The 2017 text was converted to Unicode in Microsoft Word by myself, David Robert Palmer, from CCAT raw text files sent to him by Dr. Maurice A. Robinson. Then DRP has now updated the Nestle-Aland textual variants to the NA28, and in Acts, to the ECM / NA29.  All old links to the RP GNT still work, and they do point to this updated edition, since I did not change the file name.

The 2018 edition of the Robinson-Pierpont text has very few, and minor, text changes from the 2005 edition, including one corrected error of reading (based on misinterpretation of Hoskier’s data) at Rev 2:17 (now omits φαγειν) and John 18:11, 32, where a marginal reading has now become the main text and vice versa. Mainly it has updates and corrections in capitalization, accentuation, and punctuation, plus some previously missing iota subscripts. The most significant changes in this 2018 edition is that the variant readings of the Nestle-Aland text are updated to the NA28 in the catholic epistles, and in the Acts of the Apostles, to the ECM (Editio Critica Maior), which changes in Acts will likely be the text of the NA29.

Now available for download by right-clicking here or going to the long list on my translations page: Robinson, Maurice A., and Pierpont, William G.: The New Testament in the Original Greek, Byzantine Textform; PDF, 13 MB. This is a free download of a single pdf. (A stripped down edition without variants or Appendix is available also, a 9 MB pdf.) This Robinson-Pierpont edition of the Greek New Testament attempts to represent the Byzantine text form archetype. This is not the same approach to textual criticism as, for example, the Hodges-Farstad Majority Text approach. Also included in this document is the Appendix, entitled, “The Case for Byzantine Priority” by Maurice A. Robinson, PhD.

I have also uploaded editions of some of my Greek-English documents, but with the Robinson-Pierpont 2018 Greek text, and the English translation thereof. You can download them right here as well. Completed are: The Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, Gospel of LukeGospel of John, The General Epistles and Revelation.  You can get Amazon printed editions of Robinson-Pierpont Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the General Epistles as well.

Download Robinson-Pierpont 2018 NT PDF.

robinson-pierpont 2018

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