Tag Archives: Greek

Revelation Ch 15 verse 6

Here is an interesting Greek textual variant in Revelation 15:6, “and out of the temple came the seven angels who had the seven plagues, dressed in clean bright linen and gird around the chest with golden sashes.” Some major manuscripts read “stone” instead of linen, λιθον instead of λινον. The Tyndale House GNT even has a diamond with the λιθον reading.

The “anointed cherub who covers” in Ezekiel 28:13, also known as Satan, was dressed in stones. Oecumenius comments that the lower ranking angels were dressed in linen and the higher angels in
stones of increasing value. (Note that Oecumenius says for Romans 13:14, “Put ye on our STONE, Jesus Christ”! So maybe he had a stone-dress obsession.)

The reading λιθον is certainly the more difficult. And the word λινον here is found with rather varying accents and grammatical cases. Furthermore, the other instances of linen in Revelation are the word βυσσινος, and in the gospels, σινδων and not λινον. The word λινον is used once in the gospels (Mt
12:20), but for “wick,” as in “a smoldering wick he will not snuff out.”

λίνον 91 1006 1734 1841 1888txt 2074 2081 2814 vg-cle TR AN HF BG RP SBL TH♦ECM NA28 {B} ‖
λινον P 051 792 syr-ph,h cop-bo arm eth Tyc Prim Andr Areth ‖ λινὸν 93 469 922 1424 2065 2070txt ‖ λῖνον 1611 1778txt 1888com 2070com ‖ λϊνον 1678 ‖ λἴνον or λΐνον 2846 ‖ λινουν 𝔓⁴⁷ 046 1828 it-ar,gig,(h) (Leviticus 6 in LXX) ‖ λινους ℵ lat-C ‖ λινου 2329 ‖ λιθον A C 1778mg* 2053 2062 2080 vg-am,fu,demid,tol,lipss Rheims syr-h-mg slav-b ps-Ambr Andr Oec Bede WH TH♦ ‖ neither cop-sa eth Cass ‖ lac 𝔓¹¹⁵ 2050 2351.

Download Revelation with notes about this here.

Revelation 19;6 Variant

Rev. 19:6b txt κυριος ο θεος ημων ℵ² P 046 91 93 469 1424 1611 1854 1888 2053 2062 2065 2074 2329 2344 𝔐Κ it-ar,c,dem,div,(gig),haf vg-am,fu syr-h cop-sa> geo arab-e Oec Apr Beat ps-Ambr Tyc2 TR-Compl HF BG RP TH ECM NA28 [ημων] {C} ‖
κυριος ο θεος A 792 911 1006 1734 1841 2070 2846 it-t vg-ms syr-phc cop-sams,bo Cypr TR-Scriv,Elz,Bez,Steph,Eras4,5 AN SBL ‖
ο θεος ημων 051 2081 arab-s Andr ‖ ο θεος ο κυριος ημων ℵ* 2080 ‖
ο θεος ο κυριος 1778 ‖
ο θεος 1678 2814 eth TR-Eras1,2,3,Ald,Col ‖
κυριος ημων Prim ‖
κυριος syr-ph* cop-boms ‖
lac C 0229 1828 2050 2351.

This is one of the most difficult variants for me to decide.  The NA28 has [ημων] in square brackets and for good reason.  Family 052 is split 3 ways.  The TR editions are split 3 ways.  The Latin, Syriac and Coptic versions are split.

Even though I highly esteem MSS A and 2846, I decided to go with the RP/TH reading with ημων not in square brackets, for 3 reasons.

1.) The phrase κυριος ο θεος ο παντοκρατωρ without ημων, as found here in A 2846 and the KJV, is also in 4:8, 11:17, 15:3, 16:7, and 21:22. Since this phrase is common and familiar in the Apocalypse, scribes might tend to write it unconsciously automatically, rather than the phrase with ημων added.

2.) MS 1734 is almost always found backing the RP text, not as here. This makes me suspect that the MSS without ημων are random scattered ones that accidentally omitted it, and not according to their usual clusters.

3.) The general tendency of scribes to more often accidentally drop a small word rather than add one.

If not for the presence of these factors, I would be loathe not to go with the TR phrase, since it is in the famous Hallelujah chorus in G. F. Handel’s oratorio The Messiah.

How various English translations have rendered the aorist verb ἐβασίλευσεν: 

Tyndale reigneth
KJV reigneth
ASV reigneth
NKJV reigns
CSB reigns
ERV rules
ESV reigns
Ehteridge (from Syriac) reigneth
ISV is reigning
NET reigns
NIV reigns
Murdock (from Syriac) reigns
WEB reigns
Mounce reigns
NASB reigns
NRSV reigns

And ones that rendered it non-gnomic:
Wycliffe hath regned
Douay hath reigned
Geneva: hath reigned
EMTV: has begun to reign
CJB has begun to reign
CEV now rules
GW has become king
JB Phillips has come into his kingdom
NAB has established his reign
Young’s reign did

You can download my latest revision of the Apocalypse of John here.

Acts Ch 4 Verse 12 Variant

Acts 4:12

υπο τον ουρανον το δεδομενον εν ανθρωποις ℵ A B E Ψ 0165 33 181 1175 1739 1891 Chrys Cyr TR AT BG SBL TH NA29 {/}

υπο τον ουρανον το δεδομενον ανθρωποις D¹

υπο τον ουρανον ο δεδομενον ανθρωποις D*

το δεδομενον εν ανθρωποις υπο τον ουρανον 1611 syr-h

το δεδομενον εν ανθρωποις P 049 056 RP

lac 𝔓⁷⁴ C H L

The Robinson-Pierpont text omits the phrase υπο τον ουρανον “under heaven.” There is no footnote about this even in the NA28. Is this a case of homoioteleuton, νον to νον? In Acts, I generally go against the Nestle-Aland text when all the earliest minuscules are against it. But here, they, 33 181 1175 1611 1739 1891, are all with it, and against the Robinson-Pierpont text. The RP text does not even have the Harklean Syriac this time. Nor are the Textus Receptus and the Antoniades Greek patriarchal text with it.

Hoskier and Ligature Books Published

This is a reminder that in 2010 and 2011 I published some books on Lulu, and they are still available:

“” by H. C. Hoskier, paperback, 647 pages. $21.55

“” by H. C. Hoskier, hard cover, 647 pages. $39.18

, by David Robert Palmer; paperback, 55 pages, $14.95

Palmer and Ligatures

In my previous post, I showed why I believed Erasmus’ 3rd and 4th editions read παρ εστιν and not περ εστιν.  I titled the previous post “Hoskier and Ligatures” and questioned his ability to read ligatures.  So this time I will title it “Palmer and Ligatures” since I was the questionable one.

The problem with ligatures is that they can be blurry or tiny in one important detail that makes all the difference.  Such is the case here.  My ligature table and chart is correct, but I was limited to the font I had.  In the font chart, the difference between παρ and περ is quite small:

Today Dr. Maurice Robinson emailed me to say I was incorrect on this.  So I set about to find other examples of Erasmus’ ligatures for παρ and περ.  It turns out that in Erasmus’ ligature for παρ, he has a relatively large alpha letter above, compared to my example in my ligature chart, which was limited by the font.  The ligature for περ in my chart has a small half moon, convexed to the left.  However, in Erasmus, this half moon is larger.  I will give examples below.

In addition, Erasmus’ tail to his Rho letters is a large loop that circles back up diagonally to the left, compared to my chart which has a small, barely discernible loop, whereas in the ligature for παρ there is a large loop.

Compounding the difficulty with ligatures is that one same author may use 3 or 4 different ligatures for the same thing.  And in fact Erasmus wrote these 3 different ways, even 2 different ways in one word, see below.

Erasmus’ superscript alpha is relatively large and far to the left.

Mat 4:18  παρὰ  in Erasmus 3:

Matt 1:19 παραδειγματίσαι in Erasmus 3:

Matt 1:19 παραδειγματίσαι in Erasmus 2:

Here I will show Erasmus’ περπερεύεται in 1 Cor. 13:4 in all five editions, from 1 to 5:

Observe that he wrote the word περπερεύεται five different ways!

My table of Ligatures is still correct, and useful. Also, I have corrected my Revelation document. In addition, you can purchase a printed paperback edition of my ligature guide.

Hoskier and Ligatures

EDIT: My next post updates this one, as I was mistaken in this post. But I will leave it for the images and information / illustration of the difficulties of reading New Testament Greek Ligatures.

As I posted before, I am currently busy updating and improving the footnotes to my translation of the Revelation of John, “The Apocalypse of John.” One of the ways I am expanding the footnotes, is specifying which Vulgate manuscripts (not just editions) support what reading. Also, where the Textus Receptus is divided, specifying which editions read what.

In this process, I have found several places in which I disagree with H. C. Hoskier’s collation of the TR editions. I do not know if he was relying on someone else’s collations, or if he looked at the original documents themselves. But the problem lies in understanding the ligatures for letter combinations that are used in Greek cursive manuscripts, including the Greek New Testament editions made by Erasmus, Beza, Elzevir, and Stephens. Now, I possess PDF copies of the original cursive manuscripts of the following “Textus Receptus” editions. All 5 Erasmus editions, the 1550 Stephanus edition, the 1598 Beza edition, the 1624 Elzevir edition, plus the Complutensian Polyglot (1514).

Revelation 17:8 variant- καιπερ εστιν

There is a famous textual variant in Revelation chapter 17 verse 8 where the Textus Receptus disagrees with all Greek manuscripts and reads καιπερ εστιν. However, I found that I disagree with Hoskier regarding the readings of Erasmus’ editions 1, 3 and 4, as follows.

First, a snip showing what Hoskier says:

Erasmus Ed. 1 (1516): Hoskier says και περ is two words, I say one:

Erasmus Ed. 3 (1522) very clearly reads καί παρ, not καί περ:

Erasmus Ed. 4 (1527) very clearly reads καί παρ, not καί περ:

See here the difference- Erasmus Ed. 5 (1535) shows the ligature for περ:

I still offer my chart of Greek cursive ligatures for free (also thanks go to Vernon Eugene Kooy, PhD for his font). These above images and data are now included in my Revelation pdf, downloadable for free.


The word Armageddon is found only once in the Bible, in Revelation 16:16.  “And He gathered them together at the place called in Hebrew Harmagedōn.”

There is a great variety of spellings of the word in the Greek and Latin manuscripts of the New Testament.  But there are two main divisions of the spellings: those with just Magedon, and those with the AR in front.

The earliest Greek manuscripts have αρμαγεδων.  Here is the image snipped from Codex Alexandrinus (Codex A), 5th century:

The Greek New Testament editions read as follows:

Ἁρμαγεδών  Antoniades, Robinson-Pierpont, SBL, and NA28

Ἀρμαγεδών  BG (Byzantine Greek), and TH (Tyndale House)

Ἀρμαγεδδών  TR (Textus Receptus)

The difference between the first two spellings is the “breathing mark” in front of or above the initial vowel.  The first one has a backwards apostrophe, and that is the “h” sound in Greek, so Harmagedon.”  The second and third spellings have a regular-facing apostrophe and so that has no “h” sound, thus Armagedon.

John tells us that it is a Hebrew name, so the Har would be Hebrew for mountain, and Magedō would be the place called Megiddo, mentioned in 2 Chronicles 35:22 and Judges 1:27.  So “Mountain of Megiddō.”  This was a frequent battleground because of a strategic pass and the Megiddo plain below. You can download here the book of Revelation with a fuller accounting of the readings in the Greek manuscripts.

Gospel of Matthew Printed Editions

I have published on Amazon two editions of my translation of the gospel of Matthew. They alternate verse by verse between the Greek text and my English translation. They have 671 footnotes each. I have footnoted with critical apparatus most all the meaningful variants between the NA28 text and the Robinson-Pierpont Greek text.

Eclectic Edition of the Gospel of Matthew, with my Greek text being unique. I follow more Byzantine readings than does the Tyndale House GNT, but on the other hand there are a few times the TH follows the Byz where I do not. I have a couple readings not found in any of the above. The U.S. price on Amazon is $6.89.

The Robinson-Pierpont edition, the Gospel According to Matthew. The U.S. price on Amazon is $6.95.