
Links to all things Bible related


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Links to download Miscellaneous Documents

When I find a little spare time, I put miscellaneous documents that interest me into Microsoft Word. To some I add my own footnotes. I almost always put them into both Microsoft Word 6.0 for Windows 95 or greater, and also into Microsoft Word 5.1 for Macintosh. The main link will be for Windows, and the Mac link is located later in the description text.

  • The Letters of George Borrow
    He reports in the 1830’s to his supervisors at the British and Foreign Bible Society about his progress in translation.
    In Word 6.0 for Windows 95.
  • The Declaration of Independence
    What the 13 American countries declared to the world as to why they were separating from Britain.
  • The Constitution for California
    The original constitution the people ratified and submitted. PDF format.
  • The Constitution for Washington
    The original constitution the people ratified and submitted. This one is very interesting, for several reasons, eg., (1) it describes Washington as including 3 northern counties of what is now known as Idaho, and (2), it declares all lands to be allodial, and outlaws feudal tenures. PDF format.
  • Blood Type Diets
    People with different blood types react differently to different foods. These are four “diets” describing both harmful and beneficial lists of foods for your blood type. They are not necessarily for weight loss, but for health. I have found them to be valid.
  • The Communist Manifesto
    English edition 1888, ed. by Friedrich Engels, Word 6.0 for Win 95.

King James Onlyism Links

Links to Greek Lexicons online

Computer Related Links

Links to Other

Other, Miscellaneous Links

Music Links

Page of YouTube Videos and Midi Downloads
Portuguese language gospel music

Site Navigation Links:

Download free e-books Bible, Greek, textual criticism
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Table of N.T. Greek manuscripts
Bible Translation Blog Page
Birth of Islam.
King James Onlyism
NIV Bible Quiz
Textual Criticism Variants
Gay Marriage
Unicode issues
School prayer – Prayer in public schools
Samples of unicode fonts
Read the Gospel of Matthew online
Read the Gospel of Mark online
Read the Gospel of Luke online
Read the Gospel of John online
Read the Revelation of John online
Read the First Epistle of John online
YouTube music videos that I like
Free Bible to download, several versions
King James Bible
Spotlight Bibletranslation Store

If you find any broken links on this page, let me know by using the contact me page.

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