Matthew 12:47 is omitted in the English Standard Bible, and bracketed in the New American Standard Bible and the New American Bible. This is because the verse is not found in important early manuscripts such as ℵ* B L it-ff¹,k syr-c,s cop-sa,mae²
However, when you look at the other Greek manuscripts which do contain it, you can see that it is a clear case of parablepsis, where perhaps the scribe who was copying a manuscript, took a break after writing the word λαλησαι, and told himself, “When I get back, I resume after the line that ended with λαλησαι. But, when he got back, he resumed after the second occurrence of λαλησαι in v. 47, and so skipped v. 47 because he thought he had already written that part. (There were no verse numbers then.) This oversight is cause by “homoioteleuton,” that is, same ending.
In the image I made below, you can see what it might have looked like in the first few centuries after Christ: