I have completed my Robinson-Pierpont edition of Mark’s gospel. It alternates verse by verse between the latest edition of the RP Greek “majority text” and my new English translation. It has many new footnotes, for a total of 354.
Tag Archives: footnotes
Free Windows Fonts for TC Footnotes
I made a chart comparing the capabilities of 15 free Windows fonts at displaying glyphs you might need in Textual Criticism (TC) footnotes, including display of Coptic. The fonts compared are: Cambria Math, Cardo, Antinoou, IFAOGrec, Brill, GentiumAlt, FreeSerifCoptic, DoulosSIL, Andika, Palatino Linotype, Times New Roman, New Athena Unicode, Titus Cyberbit Basic, SBL, and Galilee.