Tag Archives: DNC

Seth Rich

This website is about truth. I think it is important to point out if or when CNN and other news media have been knowingly and deliberately spreading lies. Especially since they are often engaged in smearing Christians and conservatives. In the case of the Democratic National Committee emails that were leaked to Wikileaks, and published before the 2016 presidential election, the narrative is that Russia hacked the DNC server and gave the emails to Wikileaks. The Robert Mueller-headed investigation also repeats this narrative that Russia hacked the server, but when pressed, Mueller admits they did not even examine the DNC server! How can you claim to have investigated Russian interference, but not even examine if Russia hacked the server? It’s because it is a cover up of Seth Rich’s involvement, and a forcing of the false narrative that President Trump was helped by Russia.

This post is to make available a download of a lawsuit filed against CNN and others, for defamation, because they defamed Mr. Edward Butowsky by saying he was promoting a false conspiracy theory that DNC staffer Seth Rich downloaded and gave the DNC emails to Wikileaks. The lawsuit attempts to prove that CNN et al knew that the Seth Rich story was true, while reporting that it was a false conspiracy theory. The lawsuit is not settled yet, but contains ample evidence that the Seth Rich story is true, and that CNN et al are deliberate liars. Snopes still claims that the Seth Rich story is untrue. Let’s see if they will correct their site after this lawsuit is settled.

Edward Butowsky is a Texas business man who generously financed a private investigator for Seth Rich’s family, to investigate his death. They subsequently turned on him.

To download Mr. Butowsky’s lawsuit regarding Seth Rich click here.

In related news, a judge has ruled that can go forward.

Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory
Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory
Seth Rich Conspiracy Theory

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You can also download the complaint about Seth Rich on my downloads page.

In related news, a judge has ruled that can go forward.