Tag Archives: Codex 037

Matthew ch 13 v 15 correctors

I was collating Codex E (07) for Matthew chapter 13 verse 15 and saw that Tischendorf says a corrector changed ιασομαι to ιασωμαι, if I understand the notations correctly. But to me, it looks a change in the other direction. He also says Codex Δ (037) corrected from ιασωμαι to ιασομαι. What do you think?

Here is a snip from Tischendorf’s apparatus:

Tischendorf apparatus Mt 13:15b

Here is a snip from Codex E (07):

ιασομαι in Codex E

Here is a snip from Codex Δ (037)

ιασωμαι to ιασομαι in Codex Δ (037)