Tag Archives: bishop

Unqualified Bible Translators

An example of the work of unqualified Bible translators

There are many examples of “crankish” individual translations done by persons reputedly not qualified to translate the Bible these days, but they are not that dangerous, since very few people will read them. What are more dangerous are translations that are respected and reputed to be scholarly, such that many people will read them and trust them, but they are very badly translated. Take the following example.  (First a correct translation, then the wrong ones.)

1 Timothy 3:2- Δεῖ οὖν τὸν ἐπίσκοπον ἀνεπίληπτον εἶναι, μιᾶϛ γυναικὸϛ ἄνδρα
Therefore an overseer must be… the husband of one wife (ESV)

NRSV: Now a bishop must be … married only once

NABRE: Therefore, a bishop must be… married only once

These did not translate ανηρ, did not translate γυνη, and they added a word “married” that is not there. Three errors already. Then also, there are errors of wrongly allowed implication, implying: A Bishop is qualified if married to a horse, as long as married only once. A Bishop is qualified if married to the same gender as himself, as long as married only once. A bishop is qualified if a female, as long as married only once.

CEB: They should be faithful to their spouse
CEV: That’s why officials must… be faithful in marriage.

Whoever translated these 4 above, either do not know what the words ανηρ and γυνη mean, or, much worse, blatantly changed the word in order to help foster acceptance of their belief that a female can be a bishop / overseer / pastor, something contradicted clearly in many other scriptures. Or acceptance that a homosexual can be a bishop / overseer / pastor, something contradicted clearly in many other scriptures. But the apostle says the subject is a MALE human, who has a FEMALE human mate.

So, such translations, which have the reputation of being scholarly, and respected, are far more dangerous than “crankish” individual translations done by unrecognized, unrespected persons, since many people will actually read the NRSV and NAB and trust them.

I declare without reservation, that those persons who produced the above renderings in the NRSV and NAB translations, are NOT QUALIFIED to translate the holy Word of God. It is GOD’S word, which means HE decides who is qualified. I can assure you that anyone who promotes or allows the belief that a female can be a bishop / overseer / pastor in His church, Does Not have the approval of God, neither anyone who promotes or allows the belief that a homosexual can be a bishop / overseer / pastor.  Jesus’ apostles very clearly contradicted these notions in the scriptures. If you have studied the Bible on these topics, you KNOW FULL WELL that this is true. Do not lie against the truth.

There are several Bible translations so called, that I urge you to throw in the garbage if you have them: the NRSV and permutations, the NAB and permutations, the Message, the CEV, and CEB, and the New World Translation.

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